World War II Operational Documents
3,810 pages of World War II operational documents..
These documents focus on World War II operations at the tactical and operational levels of warfare. Documents produced by field units composed of operation orders, after action reports, intelligence analyses, logistics appraisals, and similar analytics
Among the reports are:
Operation Orders, 2-45 to 16-45: Iceberg Tenth Army
Operation orders for the invasion of Okinawa-Shima and Ryukyu-Retto. Orders covered amphibious operations, supply requirements, evacuation procedures and includes annexes.
Field Order #1 - 16th Infantry Division
Operational orders for the invasion of the Philippine Islands. Orders cover intelligence, infantry operations, operational maps, field artillery, engineers, chemical battalions, and amphibious operations.
After Action Report 82nd Airborne Division
Reports on the operations of the 82nd Airborne Division from October 1943 to the end of May 1945. The reports include after action reports of operations in Italy and Germany including battle maps, list of personnel, and the surrender of German forces.
Tenth Army Report on the Okinawa Operation.
Report includes data collected on staff procedures, training, organization, equipment, supply, tactics, and techniques with particular attention to infantry matters. The report covers the period 3 March 1945 to 9 April 1945. It is based on interviews with officers and enlisted men of all units in XXIV Corps, both while the Corps was at Leyte and Okinawa as well as personal observations
Axis Order of Battle in Tunisia (16 Feb 1943 & 12 March 1943 & 27 March 1943)
A description by a German Army officer of the fortified garrison at Brest, in French Brittany. There is a brief introduction, in which a short history of German Army activities in the region is discussed. The construction of the fortress is then described, as well as armliment, supplies, communications, and the garrison's order of battle doctrine. The final section of the report details the encirclement of the garrison by Allied forces, and its eventual capture in September, 1944.
Eisenhower Report on "Torch"
A narrative report produced by General Dwight Eisenhower on the invasion of North Africa by the Allied Forces in 1942. Areas covered in the report are the creation of the Allied Force; the planning considerations; the invasion; the race for Tunisia; and operations against Field Marshal Rommel and Africa Korps.
Information on Japanese Defensive Installations and Tactics.
The purpose of this study was to provide prompt information of Japanese combat methods in Okinawa. Particular attention was given to new or accentuated land warfare trends. It was intended for troops which engaged in similar type of combat. The continued development and improvement of cave warfare was the most outstanding feature of the Japanese's tactics on Okinawa.
Notes on Recent Operations on the Tunisian Front.
A report to the Commander-in-Chief of Allied Forces on the U.S. Army's experiences on the Tunisian front in North Africa. Comments on enemy tactics, recommendations for training of troops that paralleled Ranger battalion training. This collection of notes contains suggestions for air support and infantry tactics. Failures of night operations is discussed, as well as misuse of supply lines, the disposal of land mines, counterintelligence, and communications.
82d Airborne Division in Sicily and Italy.
A collection of operational reports describing campaigns in World War II by the 82d (All-American) Division.
Joss Husky Operation Plans Sicily, Italy.
Reports on Operation Husky including G-2 information and intelligence, counterintelligence, landing attack plan, follow-up plan, operational plans, sortie plan, and intelligence.
Occupational History of the 24th Infantry Division for Feb-June 1946.
Narrative of the activities and operations of the 24th Infantry Division engaged in the Occupation of Japan from February to June 1946.
Operations Report, 3rd Infantry Division, Sicilian Operation.
This report of the 3rd Infantry Division's participation in the Sicilian Operation includes information on operations, planning and operational phases, intelligence, supply, personnel, and special staff. The foreword includes comments by Maj. Gen. L.K. Truscott, division commander.
Records Pertaining to Mike I Operation.
Series of reports detailing the progress of the invasion of the Philippine Islands. Includes intelligence reports, G-3 operations reports, field orders, and memoranda.
Report of Operations in North Africa.
An account of the invasion of North Africa in narrative format with accompanying maps.
Report of Ryukyus campaign: Operation Iceberg, 1 April 1945 - 30 June 1945.
The report is a chronological narrative of events pertaining to the 7th Infantry Division Artillery immediately prior to and during the RYUKUS Campaign, compiled for historical purposes, and includes comments, recommendations, and records deemed to be of value to other units participating in similar operations. The 7th Infantry Division Artillery was assigned the mission of providing artillery support to the 7th Infantry Division in destroying and defeating all hostile forces encountered in the assigned zone of action on the Island of Okinawa.
The 45th Infantry Division in the Sicilian Campaign, as Compiled from G-3 Journal for Period July 10,1943 - Aug. 22, 1943.
Operational reports on the Sicilian campaign taken from the G-3 journal of the 45th Infantry Division. Contains information the on 157th, 179th, and 180th Regimental Combat Teams.
1st Infantry Division Unit report, Torch Operation, HQ and HQ battery, Artillery
Unit report from HQ and HQ Battery, 1st Infantry Division Artillery from their action in Operation Torch. Report includes a situation report, enemy activities, and administrative data.
7th Army G-2 estimate of enemy situation No.6.
G-2 intelligence survey of Northeastern Sicily, including studies of terrain, transportation routes, civilian infrastructure, and population statistics. |