1,170 pages of documents relating to Project Mercury, the United States' first man-in-space program.
Initiated in 1958, completed in 1963, Project Mercury was the United States' first man-in-space program. Project Mercury produced America's first astronauts, the "Mercury Seven," Carpenter, Cooper, Glenn, Grissom, Schirra, Shepard, and Slayton. The objectives of the program, which made six manned flights from 1961 to 1963, were: To orbit a manned spacecraft around Earth; To investigate man's ability to function in space; To recover both man and spacecraft safely. The documents include detailed test objectives for NASA Mission MA-6, detailed post launch reports and memorandums, public address announcements, and fact sheets.
Files include: Memorandum for Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Director, Central Intelligence Agency concerning the possible landing of MERCURY 9 in the territorial waters of Communist China; Mercury Atlas 6 Flight Controller's Handbook, This handbook provides the functional information concerning the Mercury capsule's 13 onboard electrical systems. It views only the flight control features; Flight Plan for Mercury-Atlas Mission 6. This draft Flight Plan includes the mission rules, the plan, ground station pass procedures, and a set of references detailing sections of the Flight Plan. |