Military Field Manuals 1954-1962
25,585 pages of military field manuals. The 143 field manuals date from 1954 to 1962.
Highlights include:
TM 9-1005-206-12 Operation and Organizational Maintenance Caliber .22 Rifle M13, Remington Rifle M513T, Stevens Rifle M416-2T, and Winchester Rifle M75T
This field manual contains information on the operation and organizational maintenance of the cal. .22 Remington rifle M513T, the cal. .22 Stevens rifle M416-2T, and the cal. .22 Winchester rifle M75T. Topics include: Description and data. Operating instructions. Operation under usual conditions for Remington rifle M513T. Operation under usual conditions for Stevens rifle M416-2T. Operation under usual conditions for Winchester rifle M75T. Operation under unusual conditions. Parts, special tools, and equipment. Lubrication. Preventive-maintenance services. Troubleshooting. Ammunition. Shipment and Storage. Destruction of materiel to prevent enemy use.
FM 7-10 Rifle Company Infantry and Airborne Division Battle Group
This field manual is a guide to the tactical employment of the rifle company, infantry division battle group, and the rifle company, airborne division battle group.
FM 6-20 Field Artillery Tactics and Techniques
This field manual is a guide for field artillery officers and commanders and staffs of all combat arms. It is concerned with the tactical employment of field artillery. It covers organization, command, and tactical control of field artillery. It includes a discussion of the techniques involved in target intelligence and analysis, field artillery fire planning, and the direction of field artillery fires. It includes a general discussion of the principles, organization and techniques of coordination of fire support with particular emphasis given to field artillery aspects. The employment of field artillery in airborne, amphibious, and other special operations is covered.
FM 17-12 Tank Gunnery
This field manual presents tank gunnery principles, methods, and techniques, and training exercises and proficiency tests applicable to all types and models of standard tanks. This field manual is divided into five parts. Part one outlines the purpose and scope of this field manual. Part two presents general characteristics of tank armaments, turrets, armament controls, ammunition, and ballistics; part three, the fundamentals of tank gunnery and fire control equipment; part four, the conduct of fire, both direct and indirect; and part five, tank gunnery training, testing, and qualification, familiarization, and practice firing, and procedures for establishing and conducting tank firing ranges.
FM 5-15 Field Fortifications
This field manual provides information on the use of field fortifications and obstacles in proper combinations with mobility and dispersion for the protection of individuals, units, and administrative support installations in the field.
FM 7-40 Infantry and Airborne Division Battle Groups
This field manual is a guide for battle group commanders, their staffs, and subordinate unit leaders in preparing their commands for and employing them in combat. It is also a guide for commanders of supporting units and for staff officers of higher headquarters whose duties may include making recommendations for battle group employment.
FM 8-5 Medical Service Units Theater of Operations
The purpose of this field manual is to provide information on the normal organization, training, functions, administration, and internal activities of Army Medical Service units/elements normally utilized in a theater of operations.
FM 8-35 Transportation of the Sick and Wounded
This field manual describes the principal methods and means of transporting the sick and wounded. It includes a description of the common methods of transporting casualties on land, sea, and in the air.
FM 9-65 Armored Ordnance Battalion
This field manual is a guide for personnel assigned to the Armored Ordnance Battalion. It is designed, primarily, to provide the battalion and company commanders and the key personnel of the battalion with the basic information needed to operate the unit in a manner that will permit efficient mission accomplishment. This field manual contains specific material on the organization, mission, employment, operational methods, training, administration, logistics, communication, and special problems of the armored ordnance battalion.
FM 10-63 Handling of Deceased Personnel in Theaters of Operations
This field manual provides technical assistance to personnel of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force engaged in graves registration activities during major military operations. It is designed for use by all commanders (including combat commanders) and by personnel and units concerned with, or responsible for, search, recovery, and evacuation of deceased personnel, location and layout of temporary cemeteries, identification and burial of the dead, and preparation of reports and records in connection with these activities.
FM 19-5 The Military Policeman
This field manual addresses the military police, MP, soldier. Its purpose is to furnish basic information and instruction relative to the performance of military police, MP, duties. It provides a guide to officers, both commissioned and noncommissioned, in respect to training, employment, and supervision as a military policeman (MP). This field manual sets forth the role and a brief history of the Military Police Corps. It includes information as authority, responsibilities, duties, and equipment. Other agencies, military and civilian, engaged in activities related to those MPs perform within the Army are indicated. Special methods and techniques that MPs use in performing their duties are discussed.
Topics include: History. Standards and appearance. Uniform and equipment. Other law enforcement agencies. Jurisdiction. Authority. Military police patrols and fixed posts. Crime prevention. Apprehension, restraint, and detention. Military police notebook and reports. Assisting military police criminal investigators. Investigating incidents. Witness in court. Military police traffic control. Handling enemy personnel, displaced persons, and refugees. Physical security and protection of persons. Disturbances and disasters.
FM 21-11 First Aid for Soldiers
The purpose of this field manual is to provide the basic fundamentals of first aid care and treatment which a solider can apply to himself or to another soldier before the arrival of trained medical personnel. It includes instructions in first aid measures to take for special injuries such as chest and stomach; common emergencies, such as snake bite and drowning; injuries resulting from contact with chemicals, such as war gases and propellant fuels and oxidizers; and how to transport the sick and wounded so as not to aggravate their condition or endanger their life.
Other manuals on the disc include:
FM 1-100 Army Aviation
FM 23-8 U.S. Rifle 7.62-mm M14
FM 6-20-1 Field Artillery Tactics
FM 6-40 Field Artillery Gunnery
FM 6-77 105-mm Howitzer M52 Self-Propelled
FM 6-140 The Field Artillery Battery
FM 17-1 Armor Operations Small Units
FM 55-6-1 Army Transport Aviation Combat Operations
FM 101-1 Staff Officers' Field Manual The G1 Manual
FM 1-5 Army Aviation Organizations and Employment
FM 1-10 Army Aviation Organizational Aircraft Maintenance Supply
FM 5-20 Camouflage Basic Principles and Field Camouflage
FM 5-21 Camouflage of Fixed Installations
FM 5-22 Camouflage Materials
FM 5-30 Engineer Intelligence
FM 5-36 Route Reconnaissance and Classification
FM 5-132 Infantry Division Engineer Battalion
FM 5-134 Armored Division Engineer Battalion
FM 6-10 Field Artillery Communications
FM 6-21 Division Artillery
FM 6-21 Division Artillery, Infantry Division
FM 7-19 Combat Support Company Infantry Division Battle Group
FM 7-21 Headquarters and Headquarters Company Infantry Division
FM 7-24 Communication in Infantry and Airborne Divisions
FM 7-30 Service and Medical Companies Infantry Regiment
FM 7-100 Infantry Division
FM 8-10 Medical Service Theater of Operations
FM 8-50 Bandaging and Splinting
FM 8-55 Army Medical Service Planning Guide
FM 9-2 Ordnance Corps Logistical Data
FM 9-5 Ordnance Service in the Field
FM 9-197 Ordnance General Automotive Support Company
FM 11-8 Field Radio Relay Techniques
FM 11-10 The Signal Battalion Infantry Division
FM 11-11 The Signal Battalion Armored Division
FM 11-15 Signal Cable Construction Battalion
FM 11-16 Signal Orders, Records, and Reports
FM 11-21 Tactical Signal Communication Systems Army, Corps and Division
FM 11-40 Signal Corps Pictorial Operations
FM 11-41 Film and Equipment Exchange Operations
FM 12-11 Administration Company Airborne, Armored, Infantry and Mechanized Divisions
FM 12-50 The Marching Band
FM 16-5 The Chaplain
FM 16-100 Character Guidance Manual
FM 17-12 Tank Gunnery
FM 17-15 Tank Units Platoon, Company and Battalion
FM 17-20 Armored Infantry Units Platoon, Company and Battalion
FM 17-30 The Armored Division Brigade
FM 17-33 Tank Units Platoon, Company and Battalion
FM 17-35 Armored Cavalry Platoon, Troop and Squadron
FM 17-35 Armored Cavalry Units Armored and Infantry Divisions
FM 17-36 Armored Cavalry Platoon and Troop Air Cavalry Troop and Divisional Armored Cavalry Squadron
FM 19-15 Civil Disturbances and Disasters
FM 19-60 Confinement of Military Prisoners
FM 20-20 Military Dog Training and Employment
FM 20-22 Vehicle Recovery Operations
FM 21-5 Military Training
FM 21-6 Techniques of Military Instruction
FM 21-10 Military Sanitation
FM 21-18 Foot Marches
FM 21-20 Physical Training
FM 21-26 Map Reading
FM 22-5 Drill and Ceremonies
FM 22-100 Military Leadership
FM 23-71 Rifle Marksmanship Course Trainfire I
FM 24-20 Field Wire and Field Cable Techniques
FM 25-10 Motor Transportation Operations
FM 26-5 Interior Guard
FM 27-10 The Law of Land Warfare
FM 30-10 Terrain Intelligence
FM 30-101 Aggressor The Maneuver Enemy
FM 30-101A Aggressor the Maneuver Enemy Esperanto Language
FM 30-102 Handbook on Aggressor Military Forces
FM 30-102 Handbook on Aggressor Military Forces
FM 38-1 Logistics Supply Management
FM 41-5 Joint Manual of Civil Affairs-Military Government
FM 41-10 Civil Affairs Military Government Operations
FM 44-2 Light Antiaircraft Artillery (Automatic Weapons)
FM 54-1 The Logistical Command
FM 54-2 Division Logistics and the Support Command
FM 55-4 Transportation Movements in Theaters of Operations
FM 55-6 Transportation Services in Theaters of Operations
FM 55-21 Rail Transportation Higher Units
FM 55-23 Transportation Railway Shop Battalion
FM 57-35 Army Transport Aviation Combat Operations
FM 105-5 Maneuver Control
TM 9-207 Operation and Maintenance of Ordnance Materiel in Extreme Cold Weather 0 ° TO -65° F
TM 9-242 Fundamentals of Ordnance Corps Machine Tools
TM 9-247 Materials Used for Cleaning, Preserving, Abrading, and Cementing Ordnance Materiel and Related Materials Including Chemicals
TM 9-1000-202-35 Operating Procedures Evaluation of Cannon Tubes
TM 9-1005-206-12 Operation and Organizational Maintenance Caliber .22 Rifle M13, Remington Rifle M513T, Stevens Rifle M416-2T, and Winchester Rifle M75T
The disc contains a text transcript of all recognizable text embedded into the graphic image of each page of each document, creating a searchable finding aid. Text searches can be done across all files on the disc. |